
Monday, 18 April 2011

Daily Tip #1 - Basic Principles

I think to lose any decent amount of weight and keep it off, there's a pretty big educational component. Sure, we all know we need to "eat healthy and exercise" but what does "healthy" mean? Especially in a weight loss context - some say no meat, some say no carbs, some say snort purple cabbage every morning.

The way I approached it is to try to have green leaves, whole grains, lots of veges, a couple of pieces of fruit and green tea every day. I also cut down my portion sizes, making sure whatever I ate was not much bigger than my fist (unless we're talking veges, in which case - go for gold!).

For basic principles, I found this video spoke to me. It's by a TV chef from the US called Alton Brown (we don't have him in Australia, maybe richies see him on cable), who lost a bucketload of weight and unfortunately only did one show about it. There's 3 parts on youtube but 2 and 3 are about recipies - one involving a type of sardine that I really tried to like. Here's part 1. Enjoy!

Live and Let Diet Part 1

Until tomorrow,

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