
Friday, 17 June 2011

Challenge Tip #7 - Doin' Lapse

Exam time. That twice a year onset of cabin fever, delirium, stress and constant grazing (sounds like that KD Lang song!). So, although I think I performed well academically, I had a lapse with my eating habits. Allow me to explain.

With behaviour change (usually used in terms of addictive behaviour/substance use, but can just as easily apply here), there will be times when we have a little slip up. This is called a lapse. As long as it's only rarely, and is followed by returning to your good behaviour, this is ok.

A relapse, meaning "who falls again", is when you return to previous bad habits. This is often why some of us fail to get our weight-loss plans off the ground.

So, during the study week, I kept getting up out of my chair to make a billion cups of tea, usually with some kind of snack. I was eating as a distraction technique. It's really important that you're aware of bad habits sneaking back in. Before you eat, stop and ask yourself "Am I really hungry?". If not, get back to what you were doing, or find another distraction. I am now back on track, and I just went for a lovely big run and soaked up some sun. And I feel amazing again.

Don't let your lapse become a relapse. Keep up the good work!

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