
Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Daily Tip #17 - Challenger - ready?

Firstly, I've been so impressed at the number of people ready to take up this challenge. Congratulations to you.

As you know, the process begins with starting a food diary (I found a template for one online and I've noticed I've eaten better and less even just by having to write everything down) and coming up with what you want to achieve in the 10 weeks. Let me elaborate on this.

Once you've chosen your goal, take some time to think about what life would look life if this goal happened. What would be different? Try to think of practical things (e.g. I would wear a bikini next Summer, or I would be able to do X Fun Run) as well as feeling things (e.g. I'd feel proud of myself, or I'd feel more fit). Also think of how other people would notice (e.g. I'd be able to take my kid/nephew/cousin to the park and run around for longer, or my partner would notice that I was feeling more confident because I would be wearing that dress again). Let your brain wander into the land where this has already happened.

Also, try to identify any practical barriers that are stopping you from achieving this (and now is the time to be really honest with yourself). When I started doing this, I realised that I rewarded myself with food, and I was a big excuse-maker. Then, I knew what I had to target. I started rewarding myself with pampering (e.g. massage). I also made sure that any time I was going to make an excuse to not exercise, I had to at least get into my exercise clothes. Every single time I thought "well, I'm dressed now, I may as well go for a run...". I was embarassed at how easy it was to trick myself repeatedly like this...!

Get to know your goal, and what has stopped you from getting there in the past.

Write your goal in big letters on a piece of paper and put it up on your wall, along with the date to achieve it by (which is the 8th August!). Don't forget to keep your food/drink diaries, take some before photos, and we begin on MONDAY 30th MAY! So excited..

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