
Monday, 11 July 2011

Challenge Tip #8 - This one's for you, sugar... ;)

Sugar. The sweet temptress that loves to thwart our weight loss attempts. So pleasant, so seemingly could something so sweet be so mean? Let's find out more about this mischievous madam..

1. As you probably know, we have a part of our tongue that responds specifically to sweetness. Evolutionarily, we have evolved to respond preferentially to sweet foods, in the event that food is scarce and we need the energy. Therefore, when we taste it, a pleasure centre in the brain lights up and treats us with reward neurotransmitters like dopamine.

2. Our body burns glucose preferentially. Therefore, if you've got an overload of glucose in your system, your body won't be burning off fat.

3. We live in an environment where very high sugar foods are available, delicious, abundant, and even sold to us seductively by advertisements. Companies also add way more sugar into their products than necessary so we keep coming back for more!

You can see that the above 3 points paint a picture of challenge for those trying to lose weight, or even maintain good health. Here's some things you can do to keep a check on this sweet thing.

- Cut out sugar in your tea and coffee (I used to have 2 and now have none - trust me, your taste buds will get used to it in no time)

- Look for products with no added sugar. Particularly in products that are fruit based - they're sweet enough as it is! This jam for example is excellent:

- Have low sugar snacks. Either make your own muffins etc and use half the amount of sugar (and make sure it's raw sugar, or even honey), or check the nutrition info on your snack. If it's more than 10% RDI of sugar, put it down!

- DRINKS are the biggest pusher of sugar around. Soft drinks, alcohol, even "healthy" drinks can contain a heap of sugar. Try to cut out soft drink altogether, and replace with soda and lime (it's pretty much the same thing!). With alcohol, sip it slowly, alternate with soda water, and try to resist unless you really really want some.

By being more conscious and aware of how much sugar you consume, you can kick your weight loss into gear! Sweeeeet!!!
